Through professional support in all stages of career transition, the total time until the next employment is considerably reduced.
Careful positioning and career planning increase the chance of finding the "best match" rather than the "first-best" position.
The psychological support tempers the shock of having been laid off and employees feel supported.
The neutral point of view supports in processing events and reduces any negative attitudes towards the former employer.
Preservation of one's own self-esteem: Laid off employees find a self-conscious, objectified separation approach.
The motivation and positive attitude towards the challenges of career transition are greatly increased.
Development of social skills: Self-confidence in networking and in job interviews.
Development of the employees' self-concept: More detailed knowledge of own strengths, interests and mannerisms.
... for the company
With outplacement, unsatisfactory situations in which profiles of employees no longer meet the requirements, can be actively addressed and resolved.
This increases the organizational readiness for change and it creates a new scope for action.
With separations for economic reasons, social plans are discussed. Often the first point of negotiation is outplacement.
By offering outplacement, a company can show to all sides that it is separating from employees in a respectful and fair manner and that it takes on its social responsibility.
Outplacement offers relief in communicating with the laid off employees. An agreement can be reached more easily, the decision is more likely to be supported by the employees, and legal disputes can be avoided.
The fair interaction with employees has a lasting positive impact on the working atmosphere: The work ethic and the loyalty of the remaining employees are maintained.
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